Start date and hour : 13/06/2010 - 13h00
Category : B
OSR category : 2
Crew type : double
Total nb of NM : 600
You can follow the race on http://www.winchesclub.com/minis650/fastnet650/EN-0
Mini-Fastnet, an annual race between Brittany and the mythical Fastnet Rock situated at Ireland’s extreme south-west (51°23.′3″ N et 009°36.′1″ W) in the county of Cork.
As Charles Aznavour sings in one of his famous songs “ I tell you about a time that teenagers cannot know about “... we can say that the “Mini-Fastnet” is the oldest race of the Mini sailing circuit in France. Bob Salmon, the founder of the “concept 6.50” created in 1977 in Great Britain the “Mini-Fastnet” which would occur for four editions before he passed the tradition down to Jean Luc Garnier, president of “Voiles 6.50” in 1984.
I will be traveling down to Lorient sone to prepare for the race. Alot of work and short of time will make it all more challanging, but I will make it up to the startline in time.
Aymeric Belloir will be the co-skipper.
The to do list include/
- Branding of the boat
- Some NKE problems still to be sorted
- Active Eco radar detector
- Change some broken parts (Mainly blocks)
- Transport sail the boat from Lorient to Douarnenez
- Prepare the boat for the race (Safety/Food/polars/Sailcharts etc.)
- 2 days training with Aymeric
- Try to find a new medium spi.